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ElsyDance Releases Two Color-Inverted Theater Dances

When a dance is video recorded in a dark theater, the movements are often difficult to see. Color inversion resolves the problem to some extent by changing blacks to whites and other darker colors to lighter ones. This helps highlight the movement of the dancers, but also produces an unusual effect similar to a drawing or a cartoon. Tonight, ElsyDance has released color-inverted versions of two theater dances: Drums and Moments. They will co-exist with the original videos.

Moments Theater Version – Color Inverted

Moments represents the idle time when an artist has no way to express his or her creative abilities. This lapse of time is akin to a person not eating or breathing. Moments represents the repression of the artist, particularly the choreographer.

See more on the Moments choreography page.

Drums Theater Version – Color Inverted

This dance recreates a ceremony in which a young girl passes from childhood to adolescence — a very important step in the rite of passage to womanhood. It consists of three movements: initiation, rites, and games.

See more on the Drums choreography page.